About Us

<pre>About Us About Gokul Ayurveda Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, derived from two root words: AYUSH mean Life and VEDA mean science or knowledge, jointly meant science of life or knowledge of life, which is an ancient scientific Indian system of medicine through ages .It is the curative system of medicine, that could protect, prevent, &amp; restores health. This medicine when used on proper advice, has no side effects as well as it doesn’t harm the human longevity. GOKUL AYURVEDIC HOSPITAL is one of the biggest Ayurvedic hospitals in Andhra Pradesh, India established in 1999. Gokul Ayurvedic Hospital led by note worthy doctors Under the blissful guidance of Dr.V.Nageswara Rao an eminent Ayurvedic physician, who has more than 36 years of experience in treating many invincible diseases, by prescribing specialized formulations and simplest solutions working within the reach of patients from all walks of life. Speciality Ayurvedic treatments @ GOKUL 1. *PANCHA KARMA Treatments.* We are offering all types of Pancha karma treatments useful in all types of chronic diseases like Spondylitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteo arthritis, general weakness,migraine ,Paralysis, Gastro intestinal diseases, Mental disorders, psoriasis, gynecology problems etc. *Sodhana therapy* Ayurvedic Sodhana treatment useful in chronic diseases and to eliminate toxins from the body . *Kshara sutra* treatment is para surgical procedure in the management of Ano rectal Diseases like Piles,Fistula in Ano.Fissure in Ano,Pilo Needal sinus etc. *JANU VASTHI* useful in Knee joint pain like Arthritis, Osteo arthritis, strengthen the Knee joints. *Greeva Vasthi*:- Neck pain ,Cervical spondilosys, etc. *Kati vasthi* Useful for Back ache, Lumbar Spondylosys , Sciatica, Disc problems etc. *Siro dhara*:- Useful in paralyses, Sleeplesness,anxiety,mental tension etc. *SWARNA PRASHANA*:- Ayurvedic Swarna Prashana therapy Useful to improve Memory,Immunity,Intelligence,Complexion,General strength,Digestion etc. *Weight Management*:-Ayurvedic UDVARTHANA therapy is Use full to reduce weight in obese and also to improve weight in lean persons *Abhyangam(Body massage)*:- Abhyangyam is useful to in all Vata diseases it also useful in muscle relaxation and improves blood circulation, Strengthen the nervous system etc *Nasya karma*:- Migraine,paralysis , Facial paralysis, diseases of head and neck.Hair fall,Migraine , Hair fall, Chronic Sinusitis, etc. *Akshi tarpanam*:- Useful in eye diseases. Improves Vision etc. *Infertility*:- *Hormonal irregularities* *Diabetes management* :- *Chronic Ulcers*:- *Prakruthi Analysis*(Body type):- We Analyze individuals Prakriti (body type) and suggest Diet,modification of life style etc. *Leech therapy*:- Use full in Pimples,Varicose veins,skin diseases etc GOKUL AYURVEDA PHARMACY a sister concern of “Gokul Ayurvedic Hospitals” established in 2015, started by an young Ayurvedic doctor-turned entrepreneur Dr.V.N.Rajita constituted by a scholarly group of women, who empowered by their knowledge, devotion, dedication and compassion towards the ill healthy. Gokul Ayurveda Pharmacy is a GMP certified company, manufacturing many classical Ayurvedic drugs. By the fore-vision, advise and guidance of Dr.V.Nageswara Rao, the God father of Gokul Ayurveda group, now focusing on an excellent formulation which is a Memory booster, Immuno modulator and useful in over all development of the mankind, preferably children. Through the ages “SWARNA BHASMA” is being administered in children for improving Intelligence, boosting Memory power,Complexion and for Immuno modulation* as well in many therapies for the ill healthy people. It has been enunciated for many centuries that a child who administered “SWARNA MEDHA™” (swarna prasana) for 6 months will become “ SHRU-TDHAR” ⃰ ⃰⃰ (Remembrance on single hearing). Ideally Swarna Prashana with SWARNA MEDHA ™ should be started on Pushyami Nakshatra day and there after can be given daily , early in the morning specially on empty stomach. But if its not possible to follow daily dose shedule, it should be given on consecutive Pushyami Nakshatra days which tends to occur once in 27 days. Gokul Ayurveda Pharmacy introduced SWARNA MEDHA ™ which is a unique combination of Swarna bhasma and Medhya rasayana’s. Gokul Ayurveda Pharmacy conducted many clinical trials and drug analysis to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SWARNA MEDHA ™, and has done extensive studies before bringing this product out for marketing. More than 85% of the beneficiaries responded positively with SWARNA MEDHA ™ Gokul Ayurveda Pharmacy takes utmost care in the preparation of SWARNA MEDHA ™ to confirm the high standards prescribed in regard to the ingredients and method of preparation. GOKUL AYURVEDIC STORES is established in 2002. Smt.V.Amrutha Laxmi is the proprietor of this stores. She is also a managing partner of Gokul Ayurvedic Hospital. Gokul Ayurvedic Stores has wide range of Ayurvedic medicines, more than 700 varieties available. It has a GST number 37ACZPL7817R128. Drug Licence Number 3/Ayur/1/2006. Ayurvedic Medicines are supplied to the Doctors, Ayurvedic Stores and even to the patients on prescription. Gokul believes that “Ayurveda” is the living progressive system of medicine; Gokul is using modern technology for well being of our patients The Secret behind the success of our Hospital is “Management and Employees are Functioning as members of a single Family, keeping In view that the ultimate aim is the “welfare of Humanity”. “Lokassamstha Sukhino bhavantu” ” Shreo bhuyaat Sakala lokanaam” (Universal bliss and prosperity be blessed).</pre><br>